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Lecture Series 2023

Foundations of Functional Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Health from the  Inside Out


Are you ready for the new paradigm of Functional Medicine here in Louisville?


At Soul of Medicine our functional medicine approach  focuses on a holistic model of the bodymind. That is, our mind (stress, trauma, negative events) can influence the physical body. So too can emotions like  joy, connection and healthy self esteem heal and create sustainable wellness.   We look for a root cause to symptoms and disease and treat the whole person. Physiologically,  we focus on the triad of sex hormones, adrenals, and thyroid  as well as gut health as the foundations that influence all other organ systems that can cause  “downstream” pathology  if not balanced and working in harmony.



We look at your  history, from birth to present, your current state of wellness or dis-ease, and  your health goals. We utilize proper testing and evaluation to arrive at a diagnosis  and root cause versus guessing, ignoring, bandaiding  and “normal”-izing symptoms.


Nutrition, targeted supplementation, functional movement, stress management, emotional processing, spiritual direction, and other lifestyle factors are at the heart of our treatments..Most importantly, we listen to, acknowledge and comprehend your unique story because it matters. You matter. It is our belief that  the combination of our thoughts, emotions, relationships, and energetic imprints  influence our health and wellbeing.



We are excited to bring our method of care to Louisville and invite you to join us to our upcoming seminar, Foundations of Functional Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Health from the Inside Out.


This lecture is perfect for those…


  • Who are looking for a practice of medicine that gets to the root cause of your issues


  • Who are looking to optimize their current state of health and wellbeing.


  • Who refuse to settle for what the conventional medical system has offered 


  • Who want to learn a comprehensive and holistic and functional medicine approach to health


  • Who would like to learn about functional medicine treatment options including effective supplements and dietary interventions


  • Who are looking for adjunctive healing options beyond the physical including stress management, emotional wellness and spiritual connection



Join Us:


Lifestyle, Integrative and Functional Medicine specialists, Dr. Kay Corpus, MD and Pharmacist Robert Kress RPh FRx for a comprehensive lecture and discussion on a holistic approach to health from the  inside out.


Kay Corpus, MD is a family physician, fellowship trained by Andrew Weil, MD at the Arizona Center of integrative Medicine and the Institute of Functional Medicine. She is also a certified Whole Health Medicine Institute lifestyle coach She is the founder of  the Soul of Medicine a holistic clinical practice serving patients in KY, MI and virtually nationwide. She is a 500 E-RYT and owns The Loft a yoga and movement studio in Owensboro having led international retreats and teacher training programs. Kay is also mom to two rad teens and a chiweenie named Bodhi.



Robert Kress, RPh is a pharmacist and a Functional Medicine Specialist. Robert took his passion for a holistic approach to health and became board certified in clinical nutrition, the art of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Primal Health Coach, 200 RYT, & MovNat Level II trainer. Robert leads the Men's Health Program and consults with with patients through the Soul of Medicine with Kay Corpus MD, as well as educates other medical practitioners on functional medicine. Robert lectures, writes and podcasts regularly on the topic of lifestyle medicine and integrative care, and is a dog dad to his amazing Mini Aussie, Pilar.



When and Where:

Louisville: 3/6  7pm est -STORY 900 E Main St, Louisville, KY 40206



Cost: $20



Registration required:





Heart Speak: The Deeper CardioMetabolic Conversation 


Cardiovascular and metabolic disease states share the same roots- of physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Heart Disease is the number one killer of both men and women, while much of it is highly preventable. 


Metabolic syndrome, a culmination of disease states and risk factors such as inflammation, elevated lipids, hypertension, hyperglycemia, abdominal obesity, chest pain and shortness of breath, endothelial dysfunction and chronic stress.


Testing and assessing from a clinical perspective has come a long way from the conventional approach of standard lipid panels, blood sugar and HbA1c, which is still practiced through much of the medical community.

Like many other areas of medicine, we can do much better with a holistic approach, one that encompasses mind, emotions, body, spirit and soul. We must listen to the heart speak…



This begins with lifestyle. How are we moving, how often and is it aligned with our current state of health as well as our health goals. What about our diet, are we consuming foods that are cardio protective, that promote healthy and efficient metabolism? Do we regularly implement down-regulating strategies in our life, to help provide a balance of rest and repair to our often-stressful lives.

We need to take a beyond lipid and HbA1c approach to preventing and treating lipid and metabolic disease. We need to stop the “wait and see” approach and implement interventions when we start noticing the trends to metabolic discord.


Conventional lipid testing provides only an estimate. A lipid particle count is a better option which will not only give us an exact count of HDL and LDL, but it will also tell us the size of the lipids so we can make a better assessment on risk factors of heart disease.

Depending on the risk factors of the patient we can further assess how gut health is affecting cardiovascular health, what truly are the risk factors of inflammation and damage from oxidative stress through advanced functional testing options, often available at your local testing lab, though often not ordered.


Assessing the true root cause for heart disease and metabolic conditions, and not just treating them symptomatically, recognizing that relationship to other parts of the body including thyroid, cortisol, other hormone imbalances and digestive health is what’s needed for a truly holistic approach to cardiovascular and metabolic health.




Childhood adversity is linked to poor cardiometabolic outcomes research shows. Anxious people are to more likely to develop high levels of multiple biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk over a 40-year follow-up in a new study. Chronic stress has important pathological consequences such as cardiovascular disease or CVD. Stress increases the prevalence and severity of CVD risk factors, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. It is important that these underlying factors be addressed as well as physical interventions.






The heart is the 4th energy center related to boundless love and true wholeness. It is all about love. However, it’s as much about loving others as it is about loving ourselves. The heart is where we learn to accept ourselves unconditionally. 



This lecture is perfect for those


  • Who are affected by hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, pre-diabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, inflammation, chronic stress desiring more knowledge about root causes.

  • Who want to learn a comprehensive and holistic and functional medicine approach to cardio metabolic disease.

  • Who want to arm themselves with a beyond lipid approach for optimal prevention and treatment.

  • Who would like to learn about function medicine treatment options including effective supplements and dietary interventions.

  • Who are looking for adjunctive healing options beyond the physical including stress management and emotional wellness.



Join Lifestyle, Integrative and Functional Medicine specialists, Dr. Kay Corpus, MD and Robert Kress RPh FRx for a comprehensive lecture and discussion on cardiometabolic health, how to listen and understand the messages, heal and get back to living with vitality and joy.




Sunday February 19, 2023 @ 3:30p-5pm





Soul of Medicine with Kay Corpus, MD Office

2625 Frederica St, Owensboro

(Across from Wesleyan Park Plaza, JDQ Building EAST, located behind the main building. Last door on the left with the glass garage door).



Early bird $20 ($25 after February 16)

FREE for current 15 Week Patients and Maintenance Members

.Registration required.



Links to Register:










The Truth About Thyroid Healing


Do you suffer from depression, resistant weight that just won’t budge no matter what you do, brittle nails, rough dry skin, hair loss, intolerance to cold, difficulty sleeping and unrealistic fatigue?

How about elevated cholesterol or other heart disease risk factors, even though you eat the right foods, and exercise as you should? It might just be your thyroid…even if you have been told it's normal!

Far too often in our practice we see patients whose thyroid issues are under assessed, under addressed, leaving them frustrated and quite frankly, sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Thyroid related issues are one of the most common complaints that we work with, and we are excited to share with you our strategies and tools to fix your thyroid from a holistic point of view.


We are whole beings. Nothing in our anatomy is sovereign and our thyroid is no different. The thyroid has a huge impact on our physical body, and is majorly impacted by our emotional and energetic/spiritual bodies. A comprehensive, holistic thyroid assessment and treatment plan should address all of these aspects.



To properly assess and address thyroid issues, the whole person must be taken into account. This is inclusive of the symptoms they experience, as well as a comprehensive lab assessment to address the patient as an individual. A thyroid lab assessment should include at minimum:

  • TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)

  • Free T3

  • Free T4

  • Thyroid antibodies

  • Other “non-thyroid” but thyroid critical values including Vitamin D3, ferritin, cortisol/DHEA & sex hormones



Going beyond the physical, to unearth deeper root causes, we must look at the emotional aspects of our thyroid. The anatomical position of our thyroid is at the base of our neck, between the head and heart. This area represents our voice as well as the aspect of making choices. Suppressed feelings, not vocalizing what we feel, can turn into anger, rage, guilt and sadness which may impact the thyroid as well as your entire being.


Energetically/ Spiritually

The thyroid is part of the fifth energy center of the body, or fifth chakra, which governs communication, expression, and creativity. The fifth chakra is our basic right to speak and to hear the truth. Do you feel you can express yourself honestly and openly? If not, why not? Suppression of our voice and our truths can affect our thyroid and our whole body well-being.


Join Lifestyle, Integrative and Functional Medicine specialists, Dr. Kay Corpus, MD and Robert Kress FRx for a comprehensive lecture and discussion on thyroid health, how to balance it, and get back to living with vitality and authenticity.



Sunday January 22, 2023 @ 3:30p-5pm



Soul of Medicine with Kay Corpus, MD Office

2625 Frederica St, Owensboro

(Across from Wesleyan Park Plaza, JDQ Building EAST, located behind the main building. Last door on the left with the glass garage door).



Early bird $20 ($25 after January 18)

FREE for current 15 Week Patients and Maintenance Members

Limited space available. Registration required.





Kay Corpus MD 

2625 Frederica St

 JDQ Building

Owensboro, Kentucky 42301 


(270) 398-8898

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